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Simple tools and 4 steps to help you stay connected to your best self on your worst days.

The message of the Choice-Cube Method is a simple one. Learn to stay connected to your conscious mind, aware, with honesty and compassion. and you will discover how to be your better self on your worst days.

Not one of us goes through life without some suffering. Also, at times we all lose touch with the best of who we are. Knowing how to reconnect with ourselves and others and to respond to our problems, disappointments, and losses from the best of who we are makes the difference.

In difficult or confusing times, using the 4 steps and simple tools in this book, Become the Person You Were Meant to Be can help you do just that!

Staying connected to yourself—in touch with what you honestly and compassionately think, feel, want, and do—will help you retrain your brain and condition your body to find and to be your best self, even on your worst days.

Click on the reactions below to take the 4 steps.

The Choice-Cube Method - learning to understand how my body, emotions, thoughts and will can work together for good or to keep me stuck - has changed my entire worldview and affected how I interact with others for the better.
— Client

Learn more about the Choice-Cube Method and its impact on your life.