Read about how the Choice-Cube Method has helped people like you step out of the shadows and embrace the light.
“I have been attending ACOA/ACA 12 Step meetings for almost 25 years. While they are very valuable and have helped me in a number of ways, I also find some gaps in them. The paradigm and techniques from Dr. Cuje’s book help fill in these gaps-especially in areas of managing emotions and working with the body. She has taken a lot of well-researched material, synthesized it, and put it into a very useful and understandable form. Her approach is very practical and the tools she presents are good for short term relief as well as long term recovery and growth. This book has a lot to offer and I highly recommend it. ”
“Dr. Beth Cujé’s warm, plain-spoken and comprehensive book should be a valuable companion and reference source for anyone’s faith-based journey to “be the person you want to be.”
“Dr. Cuje unlocks deep human truths in this book. The wisdom and insight that she offers empower the reader to work within a very helpful, tangible framework to overcome past hurts, wounds and disappointments with wonderful practical tools. She helps you realize that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.”
“This is a one-of-a-kind book that seems to grow in treasures every time I pick it up. It surpasses any other personal growth book…I can only say that as a consumer, this book is a life source for me.”
“Have you ever felt out of control? As if…you can’t find balance and peace? Do you experience a lot of confusion, grief, fear, anxiety, shame and anger? …this book will show you how to resolve issues quickly…Whatever you are experiencing, there is hope that you can overcome it. This book shows the way.”
“Touche’ to Dr. Cujé for giving us what we really need – a down-to-earth method that provides easy-to-use tools to help us take control of our lives. Few self-help books have such universal appeal…If you struggle with anxiety, depression, anger, or have been tempted to reach for food, drink,drugs, gambling, or sex to make yourself feel better, this book is for you. Readers will love Cubi and the ease with which they can use the tools to begin immediately to improve their lives.”
“Fantastic! As a therapist, I recognize that much of the Choice-Cube® Method draws on several evidence-based theories of psychotherapy. Dr. Cuje’ provides a structure, format, and many tools that can be utilized in a self-help, or counseling office environment. I enjoy using the method with clients, and seeing their delight as they recognize their personal therapeutic goals. I also recommend this book to clients as bibliotherapy.”
“Hooray for Dr. Cuje. This book is full of insight and wisdom. The References, Bibliography and Index are all extremely helpful. Dr. Cuje presents a well thought out and well researched program to get one out of the “same old same old” and moving ahead into maturity and the joy of life. Buy it, read it, do it, and you will be amazed at the results!”