You've Got Questions. This Book Has Answers
/“Become the Person You Were Meant to Be - The Choice-Cube Method”
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Why do I often feel as if I’m hiding the real me?................. Chapter 18
What are the signs of a functional family?....................................................Chapter 17
Why am I my own worst enemy?....Chapterer 10, page.83ff.
Why is forgiving so hard for me?.....Pages 141, 106, 161
How can I be a good parent?............Chapter 17
· Why do I often feel like a victim?......................................Page 83ff.
· Why is change sometimes so hard? ...............................Chapter 6
· Why do I always do what other people want?.............. Chapter 18
· I want to change my husband, but I don’t know how………....….Page 104ff.
· What are some ways I may try to avoid issues?……………….......…Chapter 1
· What are some ways I may try to control issues?.........................Chapter 1
· Can I really be my own best friend or loving parent?..................Chapter 19
· How does my subconscious affect my life?..................................Page 79
· How can I get more joy and peace in my life?..............................Chapter 2
· How does someone become addicted and why?........................Chapter 20
· Can I really break an addiction? How?..........................................Page 172
· What’s the best way to handle anger?...........................................Chapters 4 & 9
· What does it mean to be mature?....................................................Chapter 21
· What is one way to handle internal conflict?...................................Page 100.
· What can I do when I’m between a “rock and a hard place?”…...Page 100
· How do I build self-confidence?.......................................................Chapter 9
· Why do I pick partners who make me miserable?.........................Pages 176-178
· Are there really only three ways to deal with difficulties?............Chapter 1
· Why do I feel so much shame?...........................................................Pages 160-167
· Who is responsible for who I am today? My parents?....................Pages 179ff.